0.0583000405 c

Jarrow Formulas, Витамин D3, Холекальциферол, 400 МЕ, 100 гелевых капсул

507 р

Артикул JRW-30002
Организатор Ноча 19.3

In Extra Virgin Olive Oil Dietary Supplement 10 mcg (400 IU) Dietary Supplement Supports: Calcium and Bone Metabolism Immune FunctionJarrow Formula Vitamin D3 provides cholecalciferol, which is more biologically active than ergocalciferol (D2). Vitamin D3 is ultimately converted to its hormonally active form, calcitriol, in the kidneys. Calcitriol enhances dietary calcium and phosphorous absorption, stimulates the synthesis of osteocalcin (an important structural protein in bone), and supports a healthy immune response.

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